Next-Gen Slaughter-Free Meats

Slaughter-free meats are meats that are produced without the need to slaughter animals. They are typically categorised into plant-based meats or cultivated meats, based on whether they are made from plant based materials or animal cells cultivated outside an animal.

Our next-gen platform for manufacturing slaughter-free meats combines both these categories by picking and choosing the best from both, to efficiently produce the highest quality slaughter-free meats. This flexibility also lets us accommodate regulatory restrictions and customer preferences in various parts of the world.

We have conducted extensive research on the sensory properties of meat, specifically identifying the properties that give meat its distinctive qualities. We found that chewiness, sustained juiciness, and the changing mouthfeel as meat is successively chewed are among its most defining properties. These properties are extremely difficult to get right, unless the hierarchical structure of meat — which has perceivable muscle fibers thinner than the human hair — is also replicated. It is equally critical to replicate the complex flavours, fat and moisture that are released at various stages of cooking which are also important contributors to the meat experience.

Our next-gen versatile platform utilises novel patent-pending technologies to manufacture high-precision slaughter-free meats that replicates and preserves the above sensory properties of slaughtered meat, while maintaining nutritional value that is comparable to or exceeds slaughtered meat.

We showcased slaughter-free muscle fibers built using our Gen1 platform at Future Food-Tech SF 2022, and slaughter-free chicken breasts made using our Gen2 platform at Future Food-Tech SF 2023. At Future Food-Tech SF 2024 we just showcased our latest Gen3 platform which introduces new capabilities, including the option to cultivate animal cells directly on our muscle fibers or to incorporate pre-cultivated animal cells.